Four days! All it took was an incredible four days to reach 100% of the funding they were looking for to convert the powering of the Perinet vineyard in Cataluña from noisy, oil-burning generators to completely sustainable solar.
In a way, we can say
it’s down to the generosity of the investors...and we do
wholeheartedly thank everyone that is participating. But that doesn’t
tell the full story of Ecrowd! and how it works.
The ‘investors’
are just that, investing their money in worthwhile and sustainable
projects that will guarantee them a generous, yet realistic, fixed
rate of interest stipulated in a loan agreement.
While there’s
still every possibility that banks across Europe may move to negative
interest rates to help stimulate the economy, you’re in further danger of actually losing
money if it’s just sitting there in a current account once
inflation is taken into consideration.
So if you feel that
it’s time to invest and start making that money work for you, then
it may be worth browsing the range of 'positive impact' projects listed
on Ecrowdinvest.com
You'll know exactly where your funds are going and how they are to be used.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel
On the other side of course (and as we have found) this could be the ideal solution to funding your own project. Whether you’re a large international school, golf club or even another vineyard, you’re likely to find many people willing to back you in the switch to solar and investment in the future through the Ecrowd! platform. The average time it takes to achieve the total you require is 7 days, and there's also the added bonus of extra publicity for you or your business.
It does also mean you could avoid the frayed nerves that sometimes come from dealing with the banks, who often won’t share your open vision of the future.
In Conclusion
Perinet have done it...why
wouldn’t you?
Everything you need to know should be there at
but if you’d like to talk to us about possible collaborations and
call upon our expertise then please get in touch.
☎️ 962 854 488
E: info@solarinspain.com
WEB: https://www.solarinspain.com/en/contact-us
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INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/solar_in_spain